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Siva Umapathy

Siva Umapathy

Chairman and Founding Director

Siva Umapathy is a Professor (since 1990) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, who specializes in the interdisciplinary research area of applications of laser spectroscopy and technology development to physics, chemistry, materials and medicine. He is a recipient number of recognitions and awards nationally and internationally for his outstanding contribution to basic and applied research. He has a number of USA and Indian patents to his credit. The present start-up "Gyroid Photonics..." is a spin-off based on his research and technology developed by his research group. (

Camilla Jones

Camilla Jones

Content Manager

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Kelly Parker

Kelly Parker

HR Representative

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Marcus Harris

Marcus Harris

Account Director

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Brad Grecco

Brad Grecco

Marketing Associate

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Ashley Amerson

Ashley Amerson

Product Manager

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